What is a Shamanic Healing?
A shamanic healing starts the moment you book it. When you say yes to spirit to move through what is concerning, blocking, and/or challenging you, the wheels are set in motion for your transformation.
In the shamanic approach to health, in all our bodies (physical, mental, emotional and energetic), all imbalance starts in the energetic. That imbalance then trickles down as dis-ease into the emotional, mental and, lastly, physical body. The role of the shamanic practitioner is to help you trace back the root cause of your dis-ease, whichever manifestation it may take.
Dis-ease occurs mainly because of a loss of power aka life force. How does that happen to all of us? Trauma. Trauma is any life experience we have been exposed to that we were not equipped to handle. To protect itself in the face of such events, our soul, jumps out of our body, leading us to lose a part of it every time trauma hits. This can lead to mental, emotional and physical illness(es) if not recovered.
What are the benefits of a Shamanic Healing?
A shamanic healing helps you recover your power, life force, and subsequently lost soul parts, and you will feel more:
aligned with yourself (essence & purpose)
energised & clear
lighter and/or stronger physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
joyful and positive
trusting of life, yourself and others
To allow for optimal healing, we need to clean up what needs to go to make space for the new and supportive in our lives.
How does a Shamanic Healing practical work (practically)?
Prior to the session
I will suggest that you set an intention on what you want to heal/transform in our session. This might shift over the days, weeks, prior. Intention is very important as it directs the energy towards where we want to go.
The nights before the session
I will ask you to pay attention to your dreams leading up to our session, and especially the night before.
Day of the session
Allow from 2.5 to 3 hours for session.
Bring offerings to Spirit. This includes anything that can go back to the Earth such as flowers, seeds, clay figurings, meals (except sweets & chocolate as they can de fatal to animals), stones, crystals, candles (beeswax), honey, drinks (milk, alcohol, …)
Wear comfortable clothes.
Make sure you have plenty of space after our session (no major social, work commitments, travel) so you have time to integrate and let it all sink in. Energetically, it is a big piece of work.
The actual session
I will open the space, and we will then proceed to make offerings together to Spirit.
We will then have a 1 to 1.5 hr chat to help you get to the root of what you are bringing for healing in the session. Making your intention very clear.
Followed by the actual healing where you will be lying down, I will drum, rattle, and sing, as we start by extracting what is no longer supportive to you, might do some ancestral healing and psychopomp work too, to finally make space for the soul retrieval part. I will consolidate it all and seal you up!
All healings are different based on every individual’s needs.
When the healing is completed, we go over what we both experienced and share take aways, and anything else that needs to be discussed. You will most likely get some guidance to take home with you in terms of practice(s) to integrate the healing.
After the session
Ensure space for your integration with adequate support.
As any healing, the old must come out to make space for the new and what that looks like can be feeling emotional, tired, wired, needing space or closeness to process, eating more or less, needing to rest or move. Spending time in nature is always a good idea for grounding.
These shifts can happen in the days folding the session but can also have a lag, and take weeks or months. Every person will have their individual integration process.
Being patient, kind and gentle with yourself will be paramount.
2 weeks later, we will touch base to see how your doing, with a 20 minute call.
Prior to booking your session, I invite you to have a quick conversation with me on Zoom to see if this is the right session for you and we are the right fit. If we decide to move forward with the healing - I will send you a booking link.