On the Dark Goddess retreat
“I was blown away by my experience on the Dark Goddess retreat run by Catherine. She was incredibly helpful in the lead up and was reassuringly down to earth and practical about what we were going to do. I was 100% excited about it and it did not disappoint. This retreat is for those who have done a certain amount of 'work' already on their personal development and all the other participants came with a level of intention mixed with openness. It was all women, and I found this wonderfully supportive and safe. The retreat featured a mix of shamanic journeying, drumming, dancing, meditation, input from Catherine on the Dark Goddess and interaction with other group members. I learned a lot! This retreat is for those who want to make a transformational change, so you have to put the effort in. You also have to be open to the unexpected. We visited sacred sites in the area in a meditative and mindful way which was insightful and moving. It was interesting to have a mix of indoor and outdoor practices and connect to nature. Whilst this retreat deals with deep 'stuff' I found it to be affirming and very grounded. For those who are on a path towards gaining more personal authenticity, healing old wounds and wanting a life that is more centred on ancient feminine wisdom (rather than the current mix of patriarchy, capitalism and consumerism) this is definitely for you!” - A.J., Yorkshire
“Catherine guided us through a wide-range of turbulent inner landscapes with humility and tenderness. She has the grounded presence of an ancient Cornwallian cliff — an earthiness that weathers stormy winds and horizontal rains with awe-inspiring beauty and grace. After her retreat, I saw the how she curated a journey for us to gently and intentionally tease-out the parts of our shadow that were ready to emerge. The multi-dimensionality of the experience really helped me integrate, in a big way, a lot of my past experiences - both unprocessed learnings from previous deep healing spaces, as well as past trauma - and finally transform stuck energy in my life. I am moved by the intelligent, intuitive way Catherine wove these many threads together, and I am deeply grateful for my participation in this momentous retreat. The retreat helped to release stuck energies, in the way that I have been looking to do but not quite managing to, for a while. Venturing into the difficult realms of my emotions has led to unexpected openings for life force to return to my being and flow freely. Put simply, the retreat helped me uncover my own life force that has been hiding beneath my own suppressed emotions and limiting beliefs. It has been a long-awaited and joyous homecoming to get that energy back into my life.” - Andrea Rahardja, MSc Psychology, Intuitive coach
“Dear Catherine, Thank you so much for a life changing retreat. I will never forget how you held us, while we listened to what the Dark Goddess had to tell each of us, allowing us to follow her guidance and to let go of what is no longer necessary. I loved the different parts of the retreat, the drumming, the sharing and the meditations. I also found our trips to the sacred sites powerful and inspirational, giving me the strength to dip into the cold waters of The White Spring. That was truly a turning point for me, letting go, moving forward and honouring all of me. I so hope I can attend next year!” - Dawn J., Palliative care nurse, New Hampshire, USA
On one to one sessions with Catherine
"I had no idea what to expect and I was in for a massive treat and what a gift! Our session together has changed my life. It has opened my eyes to my soul’s journey and what it was longing for. Also opened a door for me to go and explore and I’ve been on this beautiful journey since. As we went through the session and you shared your discoveries it resonated so much with me and yet I’d never given myself the chance to think about these things before or to even recognise the skills I’d been given. I am now a life coach and I’m loving it, I’ve found my true calling and it feels amazing. I re-read my soul plan yesterday and in hindsight it’s even better. So much more to explore and discover and so true! Thank you for this invaluable gift." – Syma Debbane, Life Coach
"My Soul Plan reading with Catherine feels like the universe really does speak. It's an experience that has opened up many new channels and possibilities in my own personal development – that has united parts of me that have felt disparate for quite some time. I feel clearer in my wider purpose, in myself and in my work and calmer in knowing that if I listen to my intuition and follow my heart a 'happier' path unfolds. The soul plan helped me to step out of a cycle of thought based on what 'I should do' to enter a new one based on what 'I can be'. I met Catherine at a Way of Nature event last year, her experiences, understanding and way of being has been a guiding light these last few months, and I look forward to exploring the next part of my journey with her." – Grace Winteringham, Co-Founder PATTERNITY
"Catherine is one of those rare beings that truly care. The insights I gained from the Soul Plan were immensely valuable and I trust they will be a guiding light in the months and years to come." – Thomas Drewry, CEO & Entrepreneur
"My soul plan reading with Catherine was a very special and incredible experience. Catherine has such a beautiful and calming energy about her. I felt comfortable to completely open up and talk about myself, which is rare for me. After coming out of a tumultuous period in my life, I was seeking guidance or direction and that's exactly what I got from the Soul Plan. Since my session, I feel so excited to be alive and experience everything I can. This passion and drive suddenly awoke in my soul to fulfil my purpose in life and it feels amazing. More than anything it made me feel really great about the person I am. A life changing experience, forever grateful!" – Anna C, Artist
"What I loved most about my session with Catherine was her intuition, her grace, how knowledgeable she was and able to connect with my true self. The reading was accurate, uplifting and ended with a gorgeous guided meditation that rang every bell imaginable in my spirit and heart. Those bells sang, Wake up!" – Natalie Hayward, Consciousness Blogger, beingnatalie.com
"I had the soul plan reading session with Catherine around a year ago (Nov 2014). After that day, my life started changing and I began realising my spiritual connection and spiritual life. It is a journey, and I’m at the beginning of this journey, but I believe that I would have struggled to have this initial opening without Catherine’s help! Every time I speak to her I learn something new… or better, I realise something new! " – Laura Artero, Founder of Happy Birthing (hypnobirthing)
"I had my Soul Plan reading with Catherine during a time of great change in my life. I didn’t know what to expect and felt a bit sceptical about it... However, my experience was the complete opposite - it was enlightening! It helped me to look inside and see the person I used to be… It gave me the energy to face the moment I was living and the change I was embarking on. It was a deeply emotional session, which touched me in many aspects, and still does… I’ve written down the words Catherine used during the session and they still work as an anchor now, when I get lost and stray from the path I started after the Soul Plan… One year on, the effects are still very much alive." – Elisa Reineiro, Founder Baby and Barre
“Thank you so much for the Soul Plan reading which was enlightening and revelatory. It has helped me with getting back on track. You are very intuitive and all us clients are fortunate that there is someone like you to give much needed guidance and encouragement.” – M.A., Construction Site Manager
"I need to thank you because I felt safe enough to share my story. I doubt I will share it a lot, so to have the space to do so is amazing. There are so many things I need to thank you for; you have given me a new lease of life; after seeing you, I have felt invigorated, ready to mingle with the social world and so much at peace with myself. I also feel as if I have been given a new surge of energy to deal with the challenges ahead of me. So, I have a lot to thank you for!" – PKS, Corporate Coach